Recruitment for Suppliers 供应商招募
·Recruitment Details招募说明:
Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service Co., Ltd. (“BMBS”) Open Sourcing Platform offers a long-term recruitment channel for suppliers. Suppliers that meet the requirements are welcome to voluntarily apply and submit their basic information and relevant materials to the following email address .
·Application Requirements报名要求:
Recruitment Scope: Recruitment of suppliers for sales and marketing services, including commodities (Advertising & creative /Offline Event / Event Construction / AV-Lighting / TVC Production/ Market Research/ Consulting/ Training/ Audit Services/ Rental cars / Furniture, etc.,):
招募范围: 销售市场服务类(广告创意/线下活动/线下活动搭建/线下活动灯光音响/广告视频拍摄/市场调研/咨询/培训/审计服务/车辆租赁/家具等品类) 的供应商招募。
·Required Documents资料提交要求:
•A scanned copy of original business license (with the company stamp) 营业执照正本扫描件(加盖公章).
•A company profile, including but not limited to供应商介绍(内容包括但不限于):
1.Basic company information供应商基本信息
2.Competitive advantages能力优势
3.Project experience项目经验
4.Team structure and background 组织架构及人员背景
5.Other documents (e.g. industrial certifications) 其他文件(如,行业资质等)
·Application Steps报名步骤:
Step 1: Send an email to [] and specify the service scope you are capable of (e.g., offline events, advertising & creative, marketing research etc.,) with your company name in the title. For example:
Offline events + company name
步骤一:发送邮件到,邮件标题注明贵司能够提供的业务类型 (如线下活动,广告创意,市场调研等),并写明供应商名称;格式为:线下活动+供应商名称
Step 2: Provide company’s basic information and the required documents listed above based on the selected scope.
Step 3: After submitting the application, it will go through a qualification review process. Suppliers who pass the review will be contacted by BMBS buyers for further discussions.
!!! Important Notice重要提示: To make sure of the successful email delivery, email attachments limited to 10M, or send through cloud disk.
The content published on this platform is an open invitation for supplier sourcing and shall not be regarded as a commitment to cooperation.
BMBS will further screen suppliers who meet the conditions for subsequent discussions and collaborations.